Jill Gross
Foot Zone Practitioner
Welcome to Blaze Wellness! I’m Jill Gross, a certified Foot Zone Practitioner. I graduated from The Foot Zoning School in June of 2024, and I’d love to sit with you with your feet in my lap. Too weird? It’s not and I’ll tell you why!
A foot zone is an alignment of the whole body: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Through access points on the feet, I’m able to tap into the organs and systems of the body to send communication throughout the whole body.
I believe we were created by a loving God, sent to this life with a perfectly imperfect body with lessons to learn and choices to make to help us become our best selves. That is a beautiful path filled with experience, love & light. In this human experience, we face hard things that embed their stories within us. Some that are enriching and whole-making through the mess. Others, heavy & damning that we just can’t seem to break free of. Some reach for substances, distractions, habits, or addictions that numb us to take away the pain. Others reach for God, loved ones, professionals, & practices that help invite light & peace back into life.
Those embedded stories or experiences can show up as dis-ease within. Our physical bodies might literally show us the dis-ease through skin eruptions, high blood pressure, constipation, etc. Our mental & emotional bodies might show us through deep sadness/depression, anxiety, panic attacks, etc. What if we could tap into those difficult experiences through a foot zone to be able to let that embedded dis-ease go? To allow it to untangle from our very tissues and be free? Is it possible? Yes!
Our bodies are amazing and they know how to heal. A foot zone can be a catalyst.
A foot zone isn’t a cure all, but it 100% is a support & help, reminding our whole being that there is healing within. It’s an opportunity to show up for ourselves, ready to receive what can come next. Regardless of whether you want to talk about experiences you’re facing, the zone works its beauty. You can come and nap, chat about the weather, or dive a little deeper into awareness and your body will receive what it needs.